Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dreams: Conflicts of various types

A dream, interrupted.

We are in a campground which is heavily wooded. There are gravel roads and worn footpaths. The day is sunny, but the shade under the trees is heavy, with the fully-formed leaves of summer. It is neither particularly hot nor particularly cold, but simply comfortable.

There are two groups of people in the campground, at odds for some unknown reason. This is not the friendly competition that occurs in some places and campgrounds, with two groups that come from different areas for a regular contest. This is an aggressive, in-your-face conflict, with shouting, threats, and occasional fisticuffs.

At one point, as I am traveling alone from another area of the campground back to our encampment along one of the footpaths, I am accosted by a group of men that appear to mean me physical harm. I am severely outnumbered, and I know that if I try to make a stand against them, the results will be heavily against me. I dodge, weave, and evade, more than once managing to free myself from grasping hands that cannot quite hold onto my wrist, my arm, my ankle. I free myself from one assailant by springing off of a small rock, placing my feet against his chest, and kicking off. As I run and turn a corner in the path, I find more of them waiting, but I somehow manage to evade them as well.

Returning to our encampment, I find that the two groups have decided to participate in an archery competition, to try to use friendly sports as a way to reduce the tensions between the two groups.

I am a decent archer in the dream, but not exceptional. I can hunt, but a lot of that is patience and close shooting. I am not sure that I would be able to contribute much to our team, but almost all who are archers (which is almost all of the encampment) are going to participate, so I go into my tent to assemble my archery tackle.

The tent is a modern nylon dome tent, about five feet tall in the center. My archery tackle, however, is traditional, a D-section longbow, wooden arrows, hip quiver, leather bracer, leather archer's glove. The arrows are not target arrows, but rather have diamond-shaped hunting heads. These are the arrows that I have with me, so these are the arrows that I will use.

But when I emerge from my tent, the rest of the archers in the encampment have gone. I ask one of the few remaining in the encampment where they have gone, and I am told that they have gone to the competition, which is to be held in the southern section of the campground.

I do not know where that is, or what route to take to get there. Perhaps they saw my hesitation, and decided to go on without me. Perhaps there simply wasn't time to wait for me. In any case, if I still want to participate, I will have to find my way on my own.

At this point, I was awakened by our elder cat's semi-regular early morning howl (which will not stop until someone gets up to go find her, to be actually seen by her), so I arose to find her, calmed her, and then started preparations for my day.

Monday, April 14, 2008

On the nature of time: Daylight, Sunrise/Sunset, Twilight, and Dawn/Dusk

Note: The writer is in North America, and is writing primarily about conventions in North America using American English for this post. If and when I get more information on this particular topic in other cultures, I will add that to the series.

Why does it matter what we name a unit of time (second, minute, hour), or call a particular point in time (daybreak, sunset, Noon)? Frankly, it's to facilitate communication. If I want to meet someone at a particular point in time, I might tell them that I want to meet them at 1300 hours, or 1:00 PM, or an hour after Noon, and I would have a reasonable expectation that we would be talking about the same thing if we had the same convention for referring to a particular time. When we don't have the same convention for referring to a particular time, we need to know that so that we can agree on when to meet.

In my last post on time (On the nature of time: hours), I noted that some systems of measuring time start the day at nightfall/sunset, daybreak/sunrise, or at midnight mean solar time. I also mentioned that saying nightfall or sunset may not be saying the same thing.

Since the hours of daylight are usually defined according to sunrise and sunset, the unequal hours time systems have to have an agreement on just what that means.

Let’s start this at the easiest point to deal with: Sunset (also called sundown in some areas). This is, from the term, the time of day when the sun, well, sets. As a point in time, sunset is usually defined as that time of the day when the sun's trailing edge disappears below the horizon at the end of the daylight period.

Sunrise, likewise, is that point of time when the sun's leading edge first appears above the horizon at the beginning of the daylight period.

Because these conventions refer to the position of the trailing and leading edge of the sun in relation to daytime, not the center of the sun's disk, that means that at the Vernal and Autumnal Equinox, when the path of the Sun crosses the equatorial plane of the Earth, the defined period of daylight, using the definitions of sunset and sunrise above, is actually slightly longer than the defined period of darkness.

Even if you do measure the daylight period as the period when the center of the sun's disk is at or above the horizon, we can still see the sun when it is actually physically below the horizon due to refraction of light in the atmosphere, and again, the day when observed daylight and nighttime are the same length does not fall on the equinox.

This can lead to some very interesting conversations as some folk who understand the sunrise/sunset convention of defining the daylight period, or the effect of refraction, try to explain to others that the days that daytime and nighttime are the same length don't actually occur on the day of the equinox.

We call that period when the sun is not visible but there is still light in the sky twilight. In the morning, twilight begins at dawn, and in the evening, twilight ends at dusk.

So, what are dawn and dusk? There are three common definitions in use.

EDIT NOTE: In the following definitions, it is important to note that the sun's disk appears to be ½° wide, and that during all periods of twilight, the sun's disk is completely below the horizon.

Civil or civilian twilight: That period of time between when the center of the sun's disk is less than 6° below the horizon and the upper limb of the sun's disk is visible above the horizon (sunrise/sunset). The beginning of the morning twilight is called civil dawn and ends at sunrise, and the end of the evening twilight period is called civil dusk and begins at sunset. It is also sometimes referred to as the elapsed half hour before sunrise and the elapsed half hour after sunset, for simplicity's sake.

Nautical twilight: That period of time between when the center of the sun's disk is less than 12° below the horizon but greater than or equal to 6° below the horizon. The beginning of the morning twilight period is called nautical dawn and the end of the evening twilight period is called nautical dusk.

Astronomical twilight: That period of time between when the center of the sun's disk is less than 18° below the horizon but greater than or equal to 12° below the horizon. The beginning of the morning twilight period is called astronomical dawn and the end of the evening twilight period is called astronomical dusk.

Each type of twilight is often thought of by what kind of activity you can undertake during that period. During civil twilight, you can still perform regular outdoor activities without artificial light (one convention is that if you can no longer read, it is no longer twilight). During nautical twilight, you can still distinguish large objects at a distance, and there is sufficient darkness to take sightings of brighter, known stars and compare their positions to the horizon for navigation purposes (there are some additional practical definitions of nautical twilight regarding whether or not you can still see the rings of a target at a fixed distance). During astronomical twilight, you can observe most stars, but some of the dimmer objects, such as nebulae, are not distinguishable.

A moment's reflection should be sufficient to realize that sunrise and sunset, dawn and dusk, and the periods of twilight are all dependent on time of year and geography (including but not limited to the observer's latitude and longitude). They are local conventions.

Here's to local conventions.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Dreams: Seeking the Unseelie Court

Over a vast area, there is a maze of white walls, pillars, and open doorways. No area is closed off from any other, but in many areas there are no direct routes. In some areas, there are floors of stone, in others, areas of grass. All areas are open to the clear blue sky, even the areas that serve as corridors. The light is natural, as if from the sun, and appears to be directionless.

The rooms vary in size, from small courtyards to larger yards suitable for great gatherings, with the wind flattening the grass. The walls also vary, from strictly regimented, evenly spaced areas, to more haphazard, wandering paths and uneven rooms. The walls in the more strictly regimented areas appear to be less structurally sound and newer; the uneven areas are older, made in the more distant past.

I do not know where the entrances are to this vast area, nor did it feel important to know.

The many people there wear a variety of clothing, mostly on a theme of reënactors of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Many wear knives and swords. Capes and robes are common. The clothing is worn comfortably, as regular, everyday clothing, not as if it was a costume. They go about their business, cooking, eating, talking with each other. Some areas are open to all; others are more private, with people standing at the paths to those areas to make sure that no one wanders in uninvited. Everyone seems to be at best friendly, at worst preoccupied with their own activities. Some voices are raised in excitement and happiness, some to call from one place to another; no voices are raised in anger.

I know this place. I have been here before. But this place is not my goal; it is an area that I must pass through on the way to my goal.

I am traveling by invitation to another place, and have joined a small group of six or seven others being guided to the entrance that will lead to that place. The entrance to the path that will lead there is hidden somewhere within this maze of walls and pillars, rooms and corridors. Somewhere, I know, there is one wall that you can pass through as if it were not there, if you press your hands against the wall in the right fashion, with the right frame of mind. I have been through that entrance before, some time ago.

The path that we seek the entrance to will lead us to the Unseelie Court. My own path leads to the Shadow Court. In my mind, the two Courts are the same. I am expected, have been invited, but I must find my way there by my own means, with no direct assistance from anyone of the Court.

As we walk single file through this white area of corridors, rooms, and courtyards, the first part of our group moves ahead, away from us. The tail end of the group is falling behind, and I am caught between my desire to keep up with the first group and remain behind to help the laggards, a woman and a young girl. In the end, I lose sight of both parts of the group, and must find my own way.

I know what the wall that conceals the path looks like, feels like, but this area is vast, and it will take me some time to find it. I know that once I find that entrance, I will be able to follow the path to my destination; the hardest part is finding that entrance. I don't recall any details of the concealed path itself (though I know that I have followed it in the past) save one: In the last open area of the concealed path before reaching the Court, I must pass through the Earth gate, which in that area is in the east, rather than its expected location in the north. It is an important detail that needs to be remembered about following the concealed path.

With assistance of some people in the area, I go back to find the woman and girl, and do find them, but they seem to be distracted now, and may no longer be seeking the concealed path to the Unseelie Court.

The first part of the group is long gone, and now I am traveling alone.

It is difficult to ask for directions, because I know that many of the people here will not understand. If they believe in the Unseelie Court at all, they will not understand why I would be seeking it. They will not stop me, but they will not help me, either.

I finally find an old friend that I have not seen in some time, a tall knight with long dark hair, beard and mustache. I know that he can and will help me, that he will not question why I am going where I am going. Whether or not he has been there himself, I don't know, but I do know that he knows the way.

He helps me by giving me the following advice: When seeking the Court, sometimes it is easier to build your understanding of the path by working backwards from your destination, and knowing that somewhere the path leading away will join the path leading towards. He mentions that the path leading away from the Unseelie Court starts by leading west through the gateway of Earth, which matches my recollection that at the end of the path leading to the Court must lead east through that gateway.

With that advice, I set out again, feeling more confident that I will find that entrance to the path that will lead to my destination. I don't know how long it will take me, or how far that I must travel, or who or what I will meet along the way, but I will reach my destination, and learn why I have been called to go there.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Cleaning up

NOTE: I will be continuing my posts on our methods of measuring time, but wanted to write on a different topic first. I will probably be doing that during my entire "Nature of Time" series.

Many years ago, probably before I was even a teenager, my brothers and I used to pick up trash along the roadside between the farm and town, almost a two mile stretch. This is what I recall of the practice (this is how I remember it, but I was young enough that my memory may not be completely accurate, and the time frame is severely condensed).

It started out simple enough: Occasionally, when we walked to town or back, we would pick up a few items of trash and then throw them in the first trash bin that we found. Then, we started carrying trash bags and filled them as we went on the occasions when we did it. It got to the point that we got thorough enough that we would collect more trash than we could carry, so we would take extra bags with us, and set the filled bags along the side of the road as we went. My father would then come along in the pickup and collect the bags, and then we would take them to the local dump.

At some point, more people in town became involved in the project, starting to do the same thing of collecting trash along the side of the road in an annual clean-up of the town.

Newly returned to living in my hometown, I don't see that happening these days. My wife and I walked into town a few days ago, and did a second walk in a loop around some of the local roads (about four miles for each walk), and there were discards everywhere. It looked like someone used one particular stretch of the road on a regular basis to discard their Bud Light empties — we picked up what we could carry, but it wasn't much compared to what was out there (at least a case's worth on that one stretch).

Part of being a Druid is stewardship of the Earth, caring for it, maintaining it. There are many ways to do that, but a simple one is to pick up litter along the roadside wherever you might find it. It's a dirty job, no doubt of that. And you don't have to be a Druid to do it. You can even get exercise at the same time. ;-)

So, I have in mind to start the process all over again, picking up litter, starting with our neighborhood and the local roads, and hopefully inspiring others in town to do the same. I've already broached the subject to two ladies who run the local hardware store, and they say that they're very interesting in participating. I will also see if there are members of our local Grove who would like to participate.

Disposing of the trash will be a little more complicated — the town now charges to dispose of trash ($2 USD per 45 lb bag). But I think the small financial investment will be worth it. Plus I think that we can redeem some of the beer cans and soda cans to offset some of the disposal costs.

When enough of the snow is off the ground, we can start the work.